Viberzi User Reviews & Ratings
Viberzi has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 216 reviews on 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea | 216 reviews for Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea | 4 medications |
Reviews for Viberzi
- Swe...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 24, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "Before taking this medication, I was progressively getting worse with bouts of diarrhea 3 or 4 times at least per day. The abdominal cramping was so severe I was bending over in pain. There was urgency, and accidents which led me to not want to leave the house. It was getting difficult to work because sometimes I had an accident before getting to work, and the embarrassment was beyond belief. After taking this medication for 1 day, there was no more diarrhea, no more cramping, things were normal! I love the relief this has given me!"
- Tha...
- April 17, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I suffered with IBS-D symptoms for years, with the past couple of years having up to 12 bouts a day. After exhaustive testing for 2 years and no definitive answers, my gastroenterologist put me on Viberzi. Immediate relief from the horrible, embarrassing issues of IBS-D. I've been on Viberzi 100 mg 2x for almost 2 years with no significant side effects. I've had to give up alcoholic drinks, and I have to watch not to eat too much dairy because those still seem to be triggers even with the Viberzi. But those trade-offs are worth it to not have to carry extra clothes with me everywhere or stop 3 times on the way to work to find a restroom. Unless you've suffered with IBS-D, you have no idea the freedom a medicine like Viberzi offers. After a lengthy process with my insurance company to get covered and with the coupon from the website, my out of pocket is $30/month. Things have been going so well, I'm going to try the 75 mg 2x starting next month. Fingers crossed it has the same effectiveness."
Frequently asked questions
- Pen...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 10, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I suffered with IBS for many, many years and starved myself because I was afraid of the consequences that always followed. After starting Viberzi, I finally could eat and be okay! I can drink coffee, milk, anything, bring it on! I’m feeling normal now, I forgot how wonderful it was to just be normal and not be constantly sick. Relief at last! Highly recommend Viberzi, it’s a life changer."
- Ann...
- February 10, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have been struggling with stomach issues for several years now and have gone through lots of blood work, 2 colonoscopies, stool samples, different diets, you name it! Turns out I have IBS-D and also battle anxiety on a daily basis which makes it worse. My symptoms include cramping, urgency, severe diarrhea (upwards to 10x a day), and sometimes rectal bleeding. I'm often late for work because I'm stuck in the bathroom or afraid to leave the house. I started taking 100mg twice a day of Viberzi and it's been absolutely amazing. I am currently 15 days diarrhea free, with very minimal cramping. Hoping it stays this way.. forever! I tried Xifaxan back in November and that did nothing for me. It's an expensive medicine, but it's worth it for me."
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- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 13, 2020
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have had IBS-D for 15 years. This drug Viberzi really did work for me, I found the dosage to be too high and cause constipation. I was prescribed 100/2x a day. I started taking 100 once in the morning after BM, and that worked well. I didn’t have side effects, but I was worried about possible complications due to drinking. I read on a website somewhere that Imodium also works as a daily medicine for IBS-D. I started taking 1 Imodium every day instead of Viberzi, and that has worked just as well as the Viberzi and costs less. Apparently, they both work on the opioid receptors in the gut. So I’ve been taking 1 Imodium/day instead of Viberzi, and it’s working great. Viberzi changed my life and made it so I can actually go out and do stuff in the morning, and now I take Imodium and it does exactly the same thing for me, only much cheaper and easier to get as it's over the counter. Good luck, everyone."
- Ros...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 10, 2020
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have had trouble with my condition from off and on for years now. After a year, I finally got a doctor that cared, tried to cut out food, that didn't work, so he gave me this wondrous medicine. I can finally stop going to the bathroom every 2 seconds. You should try it too."
- Bil...
- June 14, 2017
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I've had IBS-D for 20 years. Not a severe case, but persistent and definitely impacted the quality of my life. I tried everything: low FODMAP diet, gluten-free diet, no high fructose corn syrup or sugar, no caffeine, Imodium, Bentyl, Welchol, rifaximin, peppermint pills, etc. - nothing worked. Multiple colonoscopies found nothing wrong. I finally tried 75 mg Viberzi, and it worked immediately. No side effects whatsoever so far. Only two issues: (a) trying to remember how to be normal, and (b) so far, my insurance refuses to pay for it. I got a 90-day supply for $30 on a special promotion, but after that, if insurance does not cover it, I don't know if I can afford to stay on it. The cost per month is around $1000 - $1200."
- Sun...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 25, 2020
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I suffered with chronic diarrhea for a few years, OTCs did not work. Viberzi worked immediately, stopped the uncontrolled diarrhea, I have my life back. I have some increased heart rate, but only when I first take it. It has changed my life for the good."
- Sos...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 14, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have had IBS-D for quite a while, it was a miserable life constantly having to be aware of where bathrooms were and watching everything I ate. So I was given this super expensive Viberzi, and the diarrhea got better. But I felt so weird all the time, and I was sleeping a lot! Went to a different gastroenterologist, and she says IBS-D can be caused by bile acid malabsorption. BAM. She had me stop the Viberzi and put me on cholestyramine, which is a powder you mix and drink. Unbelievable, in one day of cholestyramine, I was fine-it cured my IBS-D! And this stuff only costs 20 bucks a month! It tastes awful and is chalky, but it has been a miracle. I could not have afforded or tolerated the Viberzi for much longer! It’s all about getting to the right doctor who will listen! Don’t give up!"
- Tif...
- April 9, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have battled stomach issues for 9 years now (I'm only 26). No doctor has found the problem in the past. I've tried many different medications, every diet known, and still received no relief. I was in the bathroom with diarrhea 10+ times a day, and that was on a 'good' day. My doctor prescribed Viberzi 2x a day. I took my first pill in the morning, and by the evening my diarrhea had completely gone away. However, I do have side effects: gas and bloating, the feeling of being loopy, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and now constipation. I'm trying some stool softener to see if it'll help, but I'm going to keep experimenting until I find something that works. It's been extremely nice not having to run to the bathroom 10 times a day though!"
- And...
- December 27, 2018
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have been on Viberzi for over 2 years now, so I think I have a good understanding of how this drug works for me. The first few months, it was a miracle, all my symptoms were gone. I actually was thinking I was cured! But the symptoms slowly started to come back. Almost settled down in a pattern, a few good days followed by a few bad ones. However, there is one biggest difference - most of the time (not always), the diarrhea is less “violent.” We all know the feeling of urgency and panic when we need to run to the bathroom immediately, but Viberzi lowers the urgency. Sometimes, when I feel the need to “go,” I can take 10-15 minutes to look around and find a bathroom. I think this is the biggest advantage of this medication for me. Also, for two weeks I was not able to take Viberzi, and I had the worst diarrhea I ever had. I worry that my digestive system is dependent on it."
- ed ...
- April 17, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "This medication was a miracle in my life, but it cost so much. I will have to continue to struggle with not eating outside the view of a restroom. It's a shame that the drug companies charge such a high price for something that truly changes your life. When you're on a fixed income, you can't pay $1,150 a month for a medicine, no matter how good it is."
- Mel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 21, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I was prescribed this drug by my gastroenterologist. I have had my gallbladder removed ten years prior. Took one dosage of this at 9:00 PM, by 10:00 PM was feeling nausea, by 11:30 PM, on the floor of my bathroom in pain, and by 1:00 AM I was being transported by ambulance to my local ER. Diagnosed with pancreatitis. My lipase jumped to 4222. This was the most extreme pain I have ever faced. I am so angry at my doctor for giving this to me knowing I had my gallbladder removed. I feel this company promoted the sales of this 'Miracle Drug' to its doctors and did not fully let them understand the dangers it has. Now I face a lifetime of worry that pancreatitis will return due to permanent damage. ONE SINGLE DOSE CAUSED THIS !"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 7, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have struggled with stomach issues my entire life. I started Viberzi 3 weeks ago, and it has been great. I do have some side effects, though. Constipation and gas lead to some abdominal cramps, but nothing like before. I experience muscle soreness/achiness in the back of my neck and arms about 30 minutes after I take each dose, but it only lasts a short while. Nothing that is really bothersome. Viberzi has given me a life I never had. I can leave my house and travel without any nervousness over being sick, and I also have been able to be more productive at work. I am so excited to have found something to help me live a normal life."
- Ale...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 6, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "Viberzi does work pretty well for diarrhea and really helped with the awful cramping and weakness after a bout of explosive diarrhea. But, and this is a big BUT, it does make you feel sick for a few hours after taking it, and I have noted it affects my thinking a bit. That is, at times I feel a little buzzed, get rather 'fuzzy' memory-wise, and sometimes seem to not hear things people say to me correctly, which is a bit disconcerting, especially at work. However, I can't knock it for how it reduced the horrible painful cramps and diarrhea. Trying to cut back to one 75 mg a day pill to see if that helps clear up my thinking. I am afraid to stop completely right now, though, as I still have a few bad days mixed in with the good ones. I wish, though, there was some drug or technique that ended IBS-D that did not have side effects."
- Cla...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 5, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I've only been dealing with IBS-D symptoms (I've had GI issues my entire life) since about April of 2018. Things became really disabling at the end/beginning of 2018/2019 and became pretty much disabling by the spring of 2019. My doctor and I tried all the conservative approaches first, even though I was having pretty severe issues. In June of 2019, I started taking Viberzi, and while it wasn't INSTANTLY a life changer, it became one. I took the 75 mg every 12 hours as instructed but found that I became extremely constipated. I played around with the timing of it and eventually settled on taking one 75 mg tab every morning. This regimen has done absolute wonders for me and my life. I'm thankfully no longer feeling the need to look into disability at the ripe old age of 25. I occasionally have some issues, but I just take a Bentyl or two, and I'm fine. If you have IBS-D issues and you've tried conservative therapies that haven't worked, I HIGHLY recommend giving Viberzi a try."
- J19...
- December 14, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have been taking Viberzi 100 mg for about 4 months. I do not have a gallbladder, and almost 2 years ago, I had a bowel blockage. I have had diarrhea at least 4 times a week, with high anxiety for traveling. At first, I took this medicine for 2 weeks, 100 mg twice a day, and didn't have a bowel movement for 4 days, so I went off of it for a few days, then tried again, same result and very bad stomach pain. With problems continuing, I found many reviews being too constipating, so I started taking 1 pill every morning with food. Since I adjusted the dose, over 2 months ago, it has worked great. I now have a regular bowel movement almost every day, sometimes twice a day! I have had diarrhea twice in the last 2 months, this has helped me get back to living and work. It helped me!"
- Opi...
- September 9, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I was prescribed this medication after years of IBS-D. I was in the restroom all the time, sometimes 22 times a day. All my tests-colonoscopy, MRI, CAT, ultrasound-all clear. I was excited there was something that might actually give me my life back. Day 1, I didn't see a difference, just bad cramps. Day 2, about a 25% difference in bathroom trips but still cramps. Day 3, cramps and pain in the right side off and on. Day 4, severe pain in the right side and vomiting. Stopped taking immediately and contacted the doctor. Medication caused severe spasms in my gallbladder. It's now been 7 days, still in extreme pain and waiting for a referral for an ultrasound to see if I need my gallbladder removed. What I thought would give me my life back made everything worse."
- Noi...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 24, 2020
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have been dealing with severe IBS-D since I was a teenager. I have been taking Viberzi for a couple of years now, and it has been a life changer. I now can go out to eat and then not have to go straight home afterwards. I can go on hikes with my kids and actually go places where a bathroom doesn't have to be in sight. I still have attacks from time to time, and it hasn't completely protected me from all of my trigger foods, but when I have attacks, the pain and urgency isn't nearly as severe. My quality of life is so much better with this drug. The only side effect I experienced was some terrible gas pains when I first started taking Viberzi. After a few days, those went away permanently. The only complaint I have is the high cost."
- Xqq...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 31, 2016
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "This product needs to come off the market! I landed in the hospital for 4 days with severe acute pancreatitis, renal failure, liver hepatitis, Oddi spasm, etc. I am a 38-year-old female, I don't drink or do recreational drugs. After taking this, my liver and pancreatitis enzymes were over 10x the norm. I had L10 stabbing pain within 20-30 minutes of taking Viberzi for the first time. I thought I was dying, I could barely breathe, and I buckled over in pain. I took antacid thinking it might help, but it didn't, and with time, the pain transformed to my mid-back. My entire GI felt like it was on fire, and if my belly got touched, it would bring me to tears. A fever started a few hours later. I have had a much milder pain belly reaction to Vicodin/Oxy, but never like this."
- Smo...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 17, 2017
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I've lived with IBS for as long as I can remember. I worked in a high-stress career since the 1980s. In the 1990s, I went to my doctor to get help. His advice: avoid foods that upset your stomach. The trouble was that everything did this. I could not sit through a meal at a restaurant without stopping partway through to run to the bathroom. I moved to East Tennessee, and I established myself with a new doctor. As part of his initial review of my health, the IBS came into discussion. He recommended a new drug, Viberzi. To say it has been life-changing is an understatement. I cannot tell you how great it is to be able to eat and not have IBS immediately. One more thing: my gallbladder was removed in 2009-no problems or side effects for me."
- Tom...
- June 4, 2017
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have been taking VIBERZI for a little over 30 days, and it has all but eliminated my issues with chronic diarrhea that I have had for forty years. The first week, I had some stomach bloating, but that quickly subsided. I can actually go places and not constantly be trying to figure out where the closest restroom is. It is literally changing my life."
- Dee...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 30, 2019
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "This Viberzi has been a miracle drug for me. I take one 75 mg with my first meal of the day, and I have not experienced any IBS “attacks.” I have been taking it for 2 months. My only side effect has been mild constipation. I was having horrible pain and diarrhea and could not find any trigger foods. It seemed just food in general would bring on an attack. This medicine has been a lifesaver. I no longer have to run to a bathroom."
- Anonymous
- August 30, 2020
For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I have been suffering with IBS-D for as long as I can remember, afraid of when it would happen. The longest period I went without an attack was when I was pregnant. It finally got so bad that it went from an attack every few days to every time a morsel of food or drink (even water) would pass my lips. I wouldn't eat until I got home for the day and was becoming in danger of being underweight and malnourished. I was so tired of being sick. Finally, I went to the doctor and was prescribed Viberzi 100 mg x 2 a day. It worked! But too well, and the constipation happened. Same thing with 75 mg x 2 a day. I have finally found my body's sweet spot with it. One 75 mg tablet every other day or every couple of days unless I know I might eat something triggering that day. I always have my Lomotil on standby just in case I need the extra help, but this med has been a lifesaver. My only complaint is the opioid feeling I get on occasion after taking it. But that eventually goes away after several minutes."
More about Viberzi (eluxadoline)
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- Drug class: peripheral opioid receptor mixed agonists/antagonists
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For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea "I’ve been taking Viberzi for several years now. I must say, if I were to endorse one medication, it would be this one! This medicine has seriously changed my life. No longer do I have to be extremely careful of what I eat because I’m scared I’ll have an attack! I also feel like I can finally travel to places that do not have bathrooms at the ready around every corner. I really do feel like it gave me my life back."