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Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome User Reviews

Brand names: Lo Loestrin Fe, Junel Fe 1/20, Blisovi Fe 1/20, Loestrin 21 1/20, Hailey Fe 1/20, Aurovela Fe 1/20, Larin Fe 1/20, Nortrel 1/35, Blisovi 24 Fe, Junel 1/20, femhrt, Junel Fe 24, Hailey 24 Fe, Ortho-Novum 7/7/7, Microgestin Fe 1/20, Larin 1/20, Taytulla, Aurovela 24 Fe, Dasetta 1/35, Nexesta Fe, Mibelas 24 Fe, Minastrin 24 Fe, Microgestin 1/20, Jinteli, Estrostep Fe, Aranelle, Balziva, Gemmily, Alyacen 1/35, Generess Fe, Larin 24 Fe, Nortrel 7/7/7, Nylia 1/35, Tarina 24 Fe, Fyavolv, Layolis Fe, Gildess 24 Fe, Wera, Pirmella 1/35, Nylia 7/7/7, Aurovela 1/20, Kaitlib Fe, Melodetta 24 Fe, Charlotte 24 Fe, Wymzya Fe, Pirmella 7/7/7, Gildess Fe 1.5/30, Norinyl 1+35, Gildess Fe 1/20, Femlyv, Necon 0.5/35, Microgestin Fe 1.5/30, Necon 7/7/7, Microgestin 1.5/30, Leena, Junel 1.5/30, Zenchent Fe, Nortrel 0.5/35, Junel Fe 1.5/30, Femcon Fe, Zenchent, Cyonanz, Aurovela Fe 1.5/30, Taysofy, Leribane, Aurovela 1.5/30, Gildagia Tri-Legest Fe Tilia Fe Briellyn Lomedia 24 Fe Dasetta 7/7/7 Philith Hailey 1.5/30 Hailey Fe 1.5/30 Oshih Alyacen 7/7/7 Larin Fe 1.5/30 Rhuzdah Gildess 1.5/30 Gildess 1/20 Merzee Vyfemla Larin 1.5/30 Finzala Chabelina Fe Blisovi Fe 1.5/30 Xarah Fe Tarina Fe 1/20 EQ Feirza 1/20 Feirza 1.5/30 Xelria Fe Galbriela …show all brand names

Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone has an average rating of 6.3 out of 10 from a total of 67 reviews for the off-label treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. 48% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone rating summary

6.3 average rating out of 10.
67 ratings from 73 user reviews.

Compare all 26 medications used in the treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.


Reviews for Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • Oct...
  • July 12, 2014

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "Second week on this, prescribed for my Polycystic ovarian syndrome. I lost 4 pounds. I went from 146 lbs to 142 lbs in just a little over several days. I never had acne, so nothing in that department. But being 5'5" my doctors want me to be a healthy 115-125 to reduce my PCOS. Nothing but great things. I feel more feminine and less aggressive since my testosterone was so high."

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57 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 1, 2009

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I just wanted to say that I love this birth control. Besides helping me with my cysts, it has given zero side effects. I tried Yaz before this one, and I felt like a monster! It gave me horrible mood swings, migraines, and I gained weight! Will never get off this Loestrin Fe 24. Remember that everyone's body reacts differently to the hormones in these contraceptives! Try it out before you decide on one, if you get a side effect, move on to a new one! Oh, and one thing, with this pill, I had breakthrough bleeding the first month only, and you MUST be very specific with the timing with this pill, and I get my period for 2 days only (which is also a plus)."

10 / 10
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53 Report
  • Dar...
  • December 1, 2014

Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I was put on Microgestin Fe 1.5 for multiple issues. My ovaries were enlarged, I had a massive cyst on my right ovary, hormones were out of whack, and I was in constant pain. My OB put me on this medicine to shut my ovaries down and level out my hormones. What I experienced with the medicine was this: increased energy, loss of appetite, weight loss, considerably less pain...and just feeling like a human again. I understand that most women don't have this type of experience with any type of birth control, but this was mine with this one."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • 860...
  • January 18, 2009

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "My doctor prescribed me this pill because I have been diagnosed with PCOS. Sometimes I get stomach aches, and it makes my boobs hurt, but other than that, no mood swings, and I've actually lost weight. Although everyone's bodies are different, I'd recommend this pill to anyone thinking of going on birth control for the first time."

8 / 10
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51 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 24, 2009

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I have been on Loestrin 24 for about 2 months, and I love it. When I was reading all the reviews, I was scared to even try it because my doctor changed me from another pill, because the pill had stopped working for me. No weight gain, I actually have lost weight. I get a very light period every month after I start taking the second iron pill. Moodiness only the day before I get my period, but it only lasts a day, and I am back to myself. The only negative aspects I have noticed are my boobs are very sore, and it starts within the second week of white pills after I get my period, but nothing I can't deal with, and extreme fatigue the day before I get my period. So please try the pill, and if you don't like it, try another pill."

8 / 10
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  • Opp...
  • July 4, 2014

Junel Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I really liked this birth control. I only experienced light acne about a week before my period, no cramps, stomach pain, or any other period symptoms. My period always came the day I started the brown iron pills. They were so light most of the time I never even used a pad or anything. I haven't used a tampon since I went on the medicine. I ended up going on Yaz because my mom thinks I should have a heavier period and that it's not healthy even though my cycle is regular. Overall, this pill is great."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Sap...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 21, 2013

Microgestin Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I have been on Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 for 15 months. My doctor prescribed it when I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. My cycle would not stop for more than two days, then it would start again. As soon as I started the Microgestin, my cycle regulated the first week. After taking it for about a year, my periods are extremely light and very short. The side effects I have experienced are acne, oily skin, and terrible mood swings the week before my period begins. I get very angry and irritable for about two days the week prior to my period. In spite of these side effects, this pill has been great for me. I have lost 40 lbs with diet and exercise that I was unable to lose before taking this pill. I highly recommend giving it a try."

9 / 10
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27 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 13, 2009

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I started the pill after being diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome when I was 18. My doctor put me on Yasmin. I gained a lot of weight, and my cup size went from barely C to D/almost DD. I switched to Loestrin 24 FE to make my breast 'normal' size again. It worked, and I went back to my normal weight, too. The first month, I was spotty and moody; the pill timing is sensitive. But since then, everything has been smooth. I have a light period (only about 3 days) with minor cramps every month, which sure beats the inconsistent, week-long ones with heavy bleeding and paralyzing cramps that resulted from PCOS. Overall, after almost 3 years, Loestrin has worked great for me and made my menstrual cycle a breeze. As long as you are consistent, it should work fine."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Kid...
  • August 27, 2015

Junel Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I just switched to this pill from one that made me gain weight (all to boobs and butt, so I'm not reeeeeally complaining, but still). This is my first period with this pill, and I'm rejoicing. I've always had extra heavy periods, and they usually last 8-9 days, so it was basically hell. I had gotten used to sleeping on a towel, I always ended up leaking onto my sheets and ruining them, and I was resigned to a life of painfully large super tampons. But today - I wore a regular tampon and didn't leak? And I can wear a regular pad and sleep without a towel? This is amazing, and I love it."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Sta...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 15, 2013

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "Just started taking my second pack. Already amazed with the results. First month, my normally heavy (pad and tampon change every two hours) period was so light, I only had to wear panty liners. I am no longer in crippling pain. The first month was a little tough, but the pain was nothing like it was. I feel a little sick every now and again. I haven't experienced any weight gain, just a lot of bloating around the midsection, but I bloat a lot when I'm on my period, so that doesn't bother me. I assume that will change as time goes by. I don't feel excessively hungry except during the time that would have been my period. I have noticed my breasts have grown, not mad at that!"

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 26, 2012

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I was put on Loestrin 24 Fe because I have polycystic ovarian syndrome. The only side effects I have had are tenderness of breasts. As long as it is taken at the same time every day, there aren't any side effects. Three-day periods that are light beat no period and crippling cramps and mood swings, this beats that by miles!"

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Coo...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 19, 2018

"I’ve been on this type of birth control for over a year and have been doing really well. I have periods, but they are light and last 2-3 days. I haven’t gained weight, unlike my previous birth control, but lost over 25 lbs."

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • coo...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 1, 2015

Necon 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I've been on 5 different birth controls before this one. All the others gave me horrible symptoms (no sex drive, nipple sensitivity, severe lower back pain), and this one is totally perfect! After quitting birth control after a few years, I noticed facial hair growing on my neck, and that's when I got officially diagnosed with PCOS (although I had been missing periods since I first ever got a period, I didn't know until now). I have no weight gain, periods are light and not painful at all, moods are regular, NO WEIGHT GAIN, weight LOSS actually. Everything is great!"

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • cai...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2012

Necon 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I've only been on this for about 2 weeks, and I have tons of symptoms: mood changes, breast enlargement, bloating, cramping in my abdomen. I'm hoping it helps with my PCOS. I'm going to stick with this medication for another month, and if I still have all these symptoms, I'm going to get off of it."

1 / 10
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16 Report
  • Con...
  • May 11, 2015

Ortho-Novum 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I have had no bad side effects with this pill. I take it in conjunction with spironolactone and metformin for PCOS. The combination has helped in regulating my periods and reducing hair growth on my chin. If I miss a few days and have to double up on pills, my body definitely can feel the overload of hormones. My periods are very light and for about 2-3 days, which my doctor said happens with this pill. My sex drive is definitely heightened with this birth control! To avoid a delay in starting a new pack with mailing/ordering delays, I asked my doctor to receive more packs at once. It's avoided issues with breakthrough bleeding and original PCOS symptoms from getting out of control!"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • LC1...
  • November 14, 2011

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I am 21 years old and started taking Loestrin Fe in the beginning of September. I have heard that birth control is supposed to make you gain weight, but I've actually been steadily losing weight, and that's without taking my Metformin regularly (which I am now back on). My breasts also continue to grow in size and are quite tender for about a week leading up to my period. I get some cramps, but they don't last very long. I had pretty bad PMS for a couple of days before my first period, but once I started my period, I was fine. Before taking this regularly, I was on progesterone for ten days once every three months but had not gotten a menstrual cycle from it for three doses. For PCOS, this is great."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Kat...
  • March 25, 2012

Microgestin 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I had a very bad experience on Lo Ovral (angry all the time, dead sex drive, hungry constantly) in the past, and was not sure how I felt about going back on the pill for my PCOS. But it turns out Microgestin has been okay on my system. I'm about a year in, and within the first 3 months, my breasts definitely grew half a cup size. My sex drive decreased, and my nipples are tender. I did feel paranoid for about 3 months, then it normalized, and my mood has been fine since. I am convinced it has made me gain weight around the hips, ugh-however, I have not actually gained real weight. After being on it about a year, my sex drive is coming back finally, and mentally, I feel normal. My periods are nice and light, they linger about 5 days total."

9 / 10
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15 Report
  • 9...
  • July 20, 2010

Microgestin Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I have been on this pill for 9 months. I was put on it to stop the growth of ovarian cysts. I take no other medicines. I eat well and exercise regularly. Only in the past 3 months have I experienced headaches, a bit more moodiness, and super tender breasts, which have grown a cup size, so I don't really mind. I could do without the tenderness, though. As far as weight gain, I always am up and down 5 lbs a month. I was actually kind of hoping that this particular pill would keep me on the lower side, but I guess not. Also, after reading others' reviews, I am now thinking that perhaps I have more upset tummy issues due to the pill."

5 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 6, 2012

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I am currently TTC, and my RE put me on Loestrin 24. I thought it was crazy at first to be put on birth control while TTC, but it has worked wonders. I have lost weight, and I feel great. I don't understand why no one had thought to try this before. My only negative is the breast tenderness. Ouch! I had a heating pad that I had to use for a week straight. In the end, that is a small price to pay for how great I feel and how much I have to gain. I would strongly urge everyone to try this, and I hope it works for you."

9 / 10
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14 Report
  • Kil...
  • July 24, 2011

Microgestin Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I was terrified of taking this. I had been on Lo-ovral in the past and had a terrible experience with it (mood swings, lack of sex drive, constant hunger, weight gain, etc.). This was pretty much off the bat. Plus, I have seen some scary reviews about Microgestin. But after getting diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), I had to do something. I have had pretty much zero side effects after a month of use. Breasts grew a little bit and were tender at first, but other than that I feel fine. I am typically hypersensitive to medicines. It could be that I am used to high hormone levels due to the PCOS and this just balances it out. With birth control (and anti-depressants), it is important to really shop around until you find one that works with your body."

8 / 10
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14 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 23, 2009

Loestrin 24 Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I started taking this medication 25 days ago. On the 17th day, I already had a period, which I hadn't had in 4 months. I noticed I've lost a few pounds, but I don't know if that has anything to do with the pill or not. I feel better, and my acne is not so bad now. The only problem is that it says you will have shorter, lighter periods. Well, I am on the 8th day of my period, and it hasn't been so light. Hopefully, this is only my body's response to not having a period for so long, and it won't always be this long."

9 / 10
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15 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 15, 2017

Junel Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "Was prescribed this pill for PCOS and acne. Read the reviews and was very nervous but decided to try it regardless. Within 3 days of taking this, I had horrific nightmares and night sweats, heart palpitations, and the worst constant anxiety of my life. Everyone reacts differently, but if you are prone to anxiety, I highly suggest not trying this pill. You will regret it."

1 / 10
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9 Report
  • LRH...
  • July 24, 2014

Microgestin Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "Not a fan of this pill. Throughout my teenage years and twenties, I took either Ortho Tri-Cyclen or Yasmin. After the birth of my second son, my doctor switched me to Microgestin as I was searching for a lower dose option. Over the past several months on this pill, I have begun to experience acne, breakthrough bleeding, mood swings, and, just recently, intense cramping and lower back pain. The pain was so out of place that I requested an ultrasound and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. While I certainly don't believe that Microgestin caused me to develop PCOS, I do believe that it has done a very poor job in controlling the symptoms and has left me with multiple, undesirable side effects. I will be going back to Ortho Tri-Cyclen."

2 / 10
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11 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 30, 2015

Necon 1/35 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "6 months ago, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. I was put on this upon diagnosis. Periods went from maybe 4 unbelievably heavy periods a year lasting about 8-12 days to completely regular periods, very light and lasting about 2-4 days. Honestly, haven't had any severe problems. The most obvious effect on me would have to be the sore breasts and enlargement. No acne other than the occasional pimple. Ultimately, I would recommend."

8 / 10
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9 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 3, 2012

Microgestin Fe 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone) "I have been on this for a month now. This pill has been my savior, and it's only been a month. Within days, my ovarian pain was gone. And my PMS symptoms were near to none! I had gained weight, say 5/9 lbs, but it beats pain and living in fear. I'm happier than I've been in a long time, and I would really recommend this pill, especially if you're sensitive to medicines. I know I am. I'm 22 and normally extremely healthy. I have an ovarian cyst, and this pill works."

8 / 10
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11 Report

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